Looking for adventure in Wyoming? Here are the places to be.
Christina Lake
Lander, WY
Expect the classic Wyoming sagebrush covered with a line of stretching pine and spruce trees, low mountains, and blue lakes. The trail starts out easy with a smooth dirt path accessible to most 4WD vehicles. As you go along, the path gets rockier and steeper, and muddy in some sections, making the trail too difficult for vehicles without a modified rig. Drivers with stock 4×4 vehicles usually opt to drive several miles in and then hike the rest of the way. It’s not uncommon for deep snowdrifts to linger throughout the summer, chilly weather is typical for Christina Lake.
Cody, WY
Still plenty of sagebrush at Morrison, but less trees and water, and more open space and rocky climbs. This trail is difficult and should be avoided by inexperienced drivers (add it to your bucket list and revisit it in a year or two). Morrison is comprised almost entirely of switchback shelf roads. They’re narrow, crumbly, and sometimes off-camber, definitely a heart-pounding combination. Once you begin climbing Morrison, there’s no turning back. Make sure you’ve resolved any hesitancy before you begin.